Dean Wood Golf Club

On 4 January 1922 a meeting took place in the Orrell Council Offices when it was resolved that a golf club be formed and that it should be known as the Dean Wood Golf Club.

Later meetings took place in the more informal surroundings of the Abbey Lakes Hotel and the Stag Inn. Subscriptions were initially fixed at £2 for men and £1 for ladies. The Chairman of the first meeting was Mr R O Hall who subsequently became the first Captain of the club.

In the absence of proper facilities the original members had to make do with nails driven into an oak tree but fairly soon a wooden clubhouse was built at a cost of £175. It was constructed on the site of the present greenkeeper’s bungalow by the 13th tee but was later replaced by a new two storey clubhouse off Lafford Lane. This in turn was demolished in the late 1980s to make way for the present clubhouse.

Like many golf courses Dean Wood was constructed with 9 holes which started on the present 13th hole and finished at the present 12th. In 1932 it was decided to extend the course to 18 holes and James Braid was commissioned to design the extra 9 holes. It is said that he saved the life of the crucial oak tree on the second hole for which he should be remembered with gratitude.

A handbook published in 1933 described the course and its surroundings as follows:

“The course itself offers an excellent day’s golf made all the more enjoyable by some splendid views and a bracing atmosphere. For the first few holes the quaint old village of Upholland is constantly in view but beyond number 5 one feels that the real open country has been reached and with it some of the finest views in the district. On the one hand is rolling well-wooded country stretching to Rivington and its surrounding hills of Anglezarke, whilst on the other hand is the Billinge-Ashurst Ridge, with St Joseph’s College standing out prominently. In between, the Douglas Valley presents a pretty picture.”

Tony Coop served as club professional for 45 years until his retirement in 1999 when he was elected as an Honorary Life Member. He achieved national fame in the 1960s with his performances in the Open Championship and he has played an active part in the Liverpool and District Golfing Alliance.

On 22 April 1954 the Society Committee accepted the application from Dean Wood to join the Society of Liverpool Golf Captains. The club has been a staunch supporter of the Society and its Captains have won the Leverhulme Salver on four occasions to date. In 1990 Norman Whittaker was elected as the first Captain of the Society from the Dean Wood club and has since been followed by David Morris in 2009.

Dean Wood Golf Club Captains

Year Captain Year Captain Year Captain
1922 R O Hall 1962 F M Partlin 2002 A D Cunningham
1923 R O Hall 1963 F M Partlin 2003 D W Hare
1924 K Fraser 1964 J R Baxter 2004 H Nelson
1925 K Fraser 1965 J R Baxter 2005 H Mawdsley
1926 K Fraser 1966 T J Gaskell 2006 J E Delves
1927 K Fraser 1967 I H Coop 2007 J D Oliver
1928 W A Halton 1968 I H Coop 2008 R M Clayton
1929 W A Halton 1969 R E Spencer 2009 G J Simpkin
1930 W H Lown 1970 J A Mangnall 2010 I M Richardson
1931 W D Platt 1971 M E Richards 2011 W S Molyneux
1932 R Ball 1972 M E Richards 2012 T J Gore
1933 R Ball 1973 G R Millar 2013 I Compton
1934 T A Rathbone 1974 E J Marsden 2014 F J Stuart
1935 T A Rathbone 1975 A S Doig 2015 G Rawsthorne
1936 J Ball 1976 E Miller 2016 H Sweeney
1937 W G Pigot 1977 K Parkin 2017 D S K Chang
1938 J Mason 1978 A Gaskell 2018 A Crusham
1939 D H Hartley 1979 D C Williams 2019 P J F Carletti
1940 D H Hartley 1980 J Speakman 2020 P A Howard
1941 D H Hartley 1981 N Whittaker 2021 P A Howard
1942 D H Hartley 1982 J Hatton 2022 G Ambrose
1943 S Rathbone 1983 R H Pheasant 2023 J Turner
1944 S Rathbone 1984 J Nelson 2024 D Pennington
1945 S Rathbone 1985 L Jones    
1946 W Crabtree 1986 R Morris    
1947 A McCormack 1987 G R Millar    
1948 J Hitchen 1988 J Dawber    
1949 J Hitchen 1989 J Clooney    
1950 F C Simm 1990 J Wilcock    
1951 F C Simm 1991 W H McCrea    
1952 W Foster 1992 J K Brown    
1953 J A Atherton 1993 J Sweeney    
1954 A C Short 1994 A Pheasant    
1955 A C Short 1995 B J Wildman    
1956 C A Worswick 1996 R R Lang    
1957 J S Whittle 1997 P D Gore    
1958 J S Whittle 1998 D J Morris    
1959 F Alker 1999 F N Manley    
1960 H M Harrison 2000 W C Edwards    
1961 R P Heaton 2001 D B Allen