General Rules

(Adopted at the Annual General Meeting on held 13 June 1951, and subsequently amended at AGMs held on 16 June 1955, 15 June 1960, 18 June 1964, 16 June 1966, 15 June 1967, 15 June 1972, 15 June 1978, 17 June 1978, 15 June 1989, 10 June 1993, 15 June 2000, 10 June 2010, 9 June 2011, 7 June 2012 and 9 June 2022).

1. Title. The title of the Society shall be "The Society of Liverpool Golf Captains".

2. Membership. Membership is confined to the following:

Captains and ex-Captains of existing constituent Clubs who have their own links situated not more than 25 miles from the Liverpool Town Hall.
Captains and ex-Captains of Golf Clubs who have their own links situated somewhat outside that radius whom the Committee has decided to admit to membership.

Such persons as the Society, on the recommendation of the Committee at an Annual Meeting, may elect to be Honorary Members.

3. Objects.
To do all such things as should, in the opinion of the Committee of the Society, be done in the best interests of the Golf Clubs of Liverpool and District and the game of golf.

To organise and control the Competitions for the Hayco Trophy, the Leverhulme Trophy and other trophies of the Society, and to ensure the continuance of the Competitions and carry out the donor's wishes in regard to these trophies.

To organise other Competitions open to members of the Society.

To keep all records of the Society's Competitions and arrange for the safe custody of the trophies.

4. The Annual Meeting and The Annual Dinner of the Society shall be held on such dates and at such places as shall be decided by the Committee.

5. Committee.
The management of the Society shall be vested in a Committee consisting of the Captain, The Past Captains, The Secretary and Treasurer who shall be ex-officio Members of the Committee. In addition six other members of the Society shall be Members of the Committee and two such additional Members shall retire annually by rotation. Such retiring members shall be elgible for re-election for a second period of three years, whereafter they shall not be eligible for re-election for a period of one year, unless the period for which each was first elected was less than three years. All elections of additional members to the Committee shall be announced and take effect at the Annual Meeting.

All nominations for election to the Committee shall be notified to the Secretary in writing on or before 31 March in each year. If the number of nominations exceeds the number of vacancies, the Committee shall organise a ballot of members. If the number of nominations is less than the number of vacancies, the Committee shall make the nominations.

6. Captain. The Society shall at the Annual Meeting appoint a Captain who shall be Chairman of the Society and the Committee for the ensuing year.

7. Treasurer and Secretary. The Society shall appoint a Treasurer and Secretary and, if necessary, an Assistant both of whom shall remain in office at the pleasure of the Society.

8. Subscriptions.

The annual subscription shall be the sum of £40.00 (£15.00 if over 80 years of age) per member payable on 1 January 2024 and on each subsequent 1 January.

The Committee may, if it sees fit, increase subscriptions at any time by not more than £2.00 per annum without first referring to a General Meeting of Members.