Grange Park Golf Club

In his Centenary book the late Bert Fairclough referred to the theft of the original Minute Books which left historians with little information regarding the first 26 years of Grange Park Golf Club. Newspaper articles from that time have helped to establish that the first meeting of interested parties took place in 1890 at the home of Mr Benjamin Bradshaw Glover who was appointed Captain when the club was formed in the following year. The task of finding a suitable plot for a 9 hole golf course was given to Mr C H Jolliffe and he eventually located a 42 acre site on the south side of Prescot Road, opposite to the entrance of the present course. After using 24 Lugsmore Lane as a clubhouse for the first 10 years the men moved into the upper rooms of the Grange Park Hotel with the ladies in Grange Park Farmhouse.

The course was “marked out” by the Hoylake professional, John Morris, with the holes varying between 185 and 220 yards in length. The fortunes of the club suffered fluctuations during the early years with falling membership and shortage of funds which tempted the club Council in 1900 to accept a fee of £25 to allow the Royal Lancashire Agricultural Show to use the site. The success of the show was not shared by the club which was left with a major reconstruction problem after 15,000 spectators had trampled all over the tees and greens to watch horse jumping and similar activities.

On 22 April 1911 the club was incorporated into a Company Limited by Guarantee with a unique clause in its constitution. This stated that in the event of a winding-up any surplus assets would not be distributed among the members but would be given to some institution having similar objects, thus ensuring that the funds would be ploughed back into the game of golf. Two years later an extra 9 holes were added of which 8 were on the other side of Prescot Road and required the golfers to cross the road twice. The 1913 course of 18 holes would undergo a further 6 major transformations over the next 78 years. Changes of location and layout in 1923, 1927, 1957,1967, 1969 and 1991 have now established the course on the north side of Prescot Road with two loops of 9 holes.

The clubhouse from 1926 to 1957 was the Sycamores, an old Victorian Building in Prescot Road. The present clubhouse, built in 1957 at a cost of £25,000, has since been extended and refurbished. The land on which it stands was purchased from Pilkington Brothers and no mention of Grange Park would be complete without reference to this family. Having grown to be one of the world’s leading producers of flat and safety glasses as well as providing employment to the local population, Pilkington Brothers has also been generous to the golf club. In 1968 Lord Pilkington agreed that his Company would sell the leasehold interest in the course for £40,000 and for the ensuing 999 years the club will hand over a red rose as “rent” each Midsummer. Following the death of Lord Pilkington, the Chairman of the Company is now the regular recipient of this traditional gift.

Grange Park joined the Society in 1931 and has produced three Captains, Ben Spaven (1960/61), Leslie Stewart(1975/76) and John Currie (1999/2000). Leslie Stewart also served as President of the Lancashire Union of Golf Clubs and in the 1952 Open Championship John William Jones was the leading Amateur and Silver medallist.

In 1977 Ben Spaven presented a trophy for the over 65s which is competed for at the Annual Competition.

Grange Park Golf Club Captains

Year Captain Year Captain Year Captain
1891 B B Glover 1937 W Heaton 1983 G Smith
1892 B B Glover 1938 T H Wood 1984 E Leavesley
1893 B B Glover 1939 F Heaton 1985 J Grundy
1894 F R Dixon-Nuttall 1940 F Heaton 1986 J F Currie
1895 F R Dixon-Nuttall 1941 F Heaton 1987 L D Bradbury
1896 H Varley 1942 F Heaton 1988 J P Coan
1897 H Varley 1943 F Heaton 1989 J E Travis
1898 A Gray 1944 F Heaton 1990 E Wilson
1899 A Gray 1945 F Heaton 1991 A J Crick
1900 J Hammill 1946 C E B Griffin 1992 D Knowles
1901 C H Jolliffe 1947 C E B Griffin 1993 G A Billington
1902 D McKechnie 1948 B Spaven 1994 D Peter
1903 J Hammill 1949 F G Taylor 1995 A D Molyneux
1904 J Hammill 1950 S Sumner 1996 K Proudfoot
1905 W J Glover 1951 H Lockhart 1997 G H Jones
1906 W J Glover 1952 A Dewsbury 1998 G A C Wands
1907 J Hammill 1953 A Dewsbury 1999 G Makin
1908 J Hammill 1954 W C Rothery 2000 A A Barr
1909 G P Varley 1955 W C Rothery 2001 J Rawlinson
1910 G P Varley 1956 E W R Bywaters 2002 D A Williams
1911 A Brewis 1957 B Spaven 2003 J Price
1912 A Brewis 1958 P J O’Sullivan 2004 K Stringer
1913 J R Turner 1959 A O Cowper 2005 J Whittle
1914 J R Turner 1960 A O Cowper 2006 K Gill
1915 J Frodsham 1961 P Johnson 2007 A Brown
1916 J Frodsham 1962 L H Stewart 2008 P F J Seddon
1917 R J Knapman 1963 I J Wolfe 2009 A Rawlinson
1918 R J Knapman 1964 W A Barr 2010 J Clarke
1919 J Mercer 1965 A T Coe 2011 M H Devenish
1920 G P Varley 1966 R W Heaton 2012 S M Gange
1921 R W Blades 1967 K Brown 2013 A H Lane
1922 R W Blades 1968 H L Fairclough 2014 D Larcombe
1923 W P Collins 1969 T Callon 2015 P Bradley
1924 J Saywell 1970 W Rigby 2016 W E Guest
1925 J Saywell 1971 T Pursell 2017 J P Greer
1926 A S Wilson 1972 J M L Spaven 2018 R Pilkington
1927 A S Wilson 1973 F J Howard 2019 E McFerran
1928 A J A Orchard 1974 G H Corrigan 2020 G R Brown
1929 A J A Orchard 1975 F S Brown 2021 G R Brown
1930 J Hammill 1976 G G Twist 2022 MW Gange
1931 J Glover 1977 J J Appleton 2023 C Sephton
1932 H J Lyon 1978 R Marsh 2024 R Hale
1933 H J Lyon 1979 H Jacoby    
1934 G F Denning 1980 C Buck    
1935 A S Owen 1981 W Lyon    
1936 W Heaton 1982 R Saunders