Hesketh Golf Club

Southport Golf Club was founded on 3 January 1885 at the instigation of Captain J Hardy Welsby “and a few friends”. He was one of 29 founder members some of whom, including John Dun a Past Captain of Royal Liverpool, were members of other clubs. Membership and involvement in a number of clubs was a common feature of the early golfers and part of the mechanism that resulted in the spread of the game. The land for the course at Marshside was leased from Colonel Edward Fleetwood Hesketh and the 12 holes were soon increased to 18 later in the year.

Until 1891 the course was known as the New Inn Links, named after the nearby Inn which provided a club room for the members. The golfers had to negotiate their way around the scattered cottages of fishermen and shrimpers and along the tracks on which they travelled and a further impediment were squatters who inhabited the nearby hamlet of Little Ireland. They numbered about 500 and lived in slum dwellings situated near to the present clubhouse and the problems they created motivated the club to move inland to Moss Lane in 1892. The Moss Lane Links were leased from the Scarisbrick Estates, Charles Scarisbrick having been one of the original founding members. The new course had 18 holes, one being a monster 546 yards, and membership flourished with a ceiling of 250 members imposed in 1894.

However, by 1901 the Hesketh family had sorted out their problems at Marshside having cleared out the unwelcome squatters. The Hesketh Estate decided to restore the former New Inn Links to its former glory with additional land and a new clubhouse and Charles Hesketh Bibby Hesketh issued a prospectus setting out his plans. Furthermore, he invited the Southport Club to join him back at Marshside and despite having signed a new lease at Moss Lane the members agreed to return to their original home. Thus in 1902 the name was changed to Hesketh Golf Club using the splendid clubhouse sitting on top of the old beach cliff which still serves the present members, albeit somewhat extended over the years.

The 1920s were troubled times for the club following several attempts by the landlord to sell the land. The course was saved when Southport Corporation bought the land in 1936 and granted a 99 year lease to the club. There were conditions attached but the club survived and the future was finally secured by a later 999 year lease. There have been a number of changes to the course layout over the years but the essential links features have remained.

In 1908 the possibility of a Golf Union for Lancashire had been debated and this led to 29 clubs deciding to go ahead and form the Union. The inaugural Lancashire Championship was played at Hesketh in 1910, the winner being Hesketh’s G F Smith. The brothers Arnold and Harry Bentley also played 82 times for the County and 70 times for England. The club played an even bigger part on the national scene when a Past-Captain, J Rayner Batty, convened a meeting in 1924 that was to lead to the formation of the English Golf Union and also to his appointment as its first President. Derek Holden, a twice Captain of Hesketh in 1967 and 1985, served as President of the Lancashire Union of Golf Clubs in 1997.

As a founder member of the Society, Hesketh has provided four Captains in Bryce Hanmer (1950/51), Norman Thorpe (1970/71), Peter Jones (1993/94) and Colin Roberts (2016/17).

Hesketh Golf Club Captains

Year Captain Year Captain Year Captain
1885 J H Welsby 1933 W G Radcliffe 1981 P D Carroll
1886 J Hardy Welsby 1934 W R Gregson 1982 M W Molyneaux
1887 J Hardy Welsby 1935 W R Gregson 1983 J D Owen
1888 J Hardy Welsby 1936 T Goffey 1984 J Fearn
1889 H McNicholl 1937 T Goffey 1985 D T Holden
1890 T O Clinning 1938 B M Hanmer 1986 P Dougherty
1891 C Scarisbrick 1939 B M Hanmer 1987 G C Farrow
1892 J Betham 1940 B M Hanmer 1988 P W C Jones
1893 W E Buckley 1941 B M Hanmer 1989 R H Foster
1894 W E Buckley 1942 T Mawdsley 1990 A J Hartley
1895 W E Buckley 1943 T Mawdsley 1991 R Abram
1896 C J Mulleneux 1944 J D Ashworth 1992 P F Butterfield
1897 W F Bland 1945 R G Taylor 1993 E J Usher
1898 J Morison 1946 R G Taylor 1994 D C Cobham
1899 W Thomson 1947 W Morris 1995 H J Foster
1900 R O’C N Deane 1948 A L Ashton 1996 C Ryding
1901 D C Anderson 1949 H S Hollings 1997 E Oldroyd
1902 T Aitken 1950 J N Howarth 1998 T Walton
1903 C H B Hesketh 1951 F H Duncan 1999 K Brady
1904 G F Smith 1952 S Bradshaw 2000 P Griffith
1905 R A Nicholson 1953 A L Bentley 2001 J A Fleetwood
1906 C Smith 1954 J L Braithwaite 2002 M G Cruickshank
1907 W Henderson 1955 D C MacNicol 2003 M A Williams
1908 H E Mason 1956 F H Lomax 2004 A F Roe
1909 A H Leech 1957 A C Radcliffe 2005 R E Price
1910 J W Wilson 1958 H C Crowther 2006 A Rodwell
1911 H J Walker 1959 T N Thorpe 2007 A S Tilbrook
1912 A S Mead 1960 P K Horrocks 2008 R A Fletcher
1913 A S Mead 1961 L Wells 2009 C B Roberts
1914 J Brown 1962 L Wells 2010 R W Reeve
1915 J Brown 1963 T N Thorpe 2011 D Harrison
1916 J Brown 1964 R F Legat 2012 S W Mentha
1917 W Hodge 1965 D Wood 2013 J H McInerney
1918 W Hodge 1966 R C Terry 2014 R W Stevens
1919 A E Evans 1967 D T Holden 2015 P M Killick
1920 J R Batty 1968 R G Wells 2016 S S Jones
1921 J R Batty 1969 A L Blackhurst 2017 J B Watkins
1922 H Walker 1970 J R Craig 2018 P I Powell
1923 F W Carter 1971 B W Pierpoint 2019 I H Garden
1924 W Hodge 1972 C Grindlay 2020 M Kamel
1925 W K Ball 1973 F S Martin 2021 M Kamel
1926 W K Ball 1974 N Webb 2022 R Sinclair
1927 E H Q Henriques 1975 W H Kernahan 2023 R W Baron
1928 R A J Berry 1976 A R Wilson 2024 D Wilson
1929 R A J Berry 1977 W P Howard    
1930 J C Taylor 1978 R Mentha    
1931 R A Barnes 1979 C Rawstron    
1932 S Whittaker 1980 J Harris