Royal Birkdale Golf Club

Birkdale Golf Club was formed on 30 July 1889 when nine gentlemen met at the house of Mr J C Barrett and agreed to rent a piece of land at Shaw Hills, close to the junction of Liverpool Road and Bedford Road. An annual rent of £5 was accepted by the landlord, Mr Weld Blundell, who was invited to become the first President. With a budget of £5.50, which overran by 16s 3d (81p), for preparing the nine holes one can only speculate on the state of the course which opened on 5 October 1889 with Mr R G Hayward as the first Captain.

The rules of the West Lancashire Golf Club were adopted as a model for the constitution but the model omitted any provision for non-resident members. At a Special Meeting on 23 December 1889 it was discovered that there was no power to change the rules except at the Annual Meeting so those present simply dissolved the club and immediately formed another one using exactly the same name. Ladies were then permitted to use the links three days a week but not on Saturdays or Bank Holidays. A room in Mr Barrett’s house in Bedford Road was rented as a club room for the men until January 1890 when they took rooms at the adjacent Portland Hotel and the ladies were allocated the room in Mr Barrett’s house.

The landscape at Birkdale in that era was quite different from the present and all land to the West of the Southport to Liverpool railway was sandhills, apart from the Cheshire Lines railway. Waterloo Road was not connected to Liverpool Road, ending south of Grosvenor Road, and there was no station at Hillside. It was a bold decision by the members to build an 18 hole course on the present site in 1897 and agree a twenty-one year tenancy for 190 acres. A Limited Company was formed and a temporary clubhouse constructed adjacent to the present 4th green. It was subsequently discovered that the clubhouse was built on land outside the tenancy and it had to be demolished and replaced in 1904. This remained in service until 1935 when the present Art Deco style clubhouse was built.

Southport Corporation must take some credit for the club’s present standing in world golf. Having purchased the land from the Weld Blundell Estate the Corporation offered the club a 99 (now 999) years lease on condition that they remodel the course to championship standard and build a clubhouse worthy of the course. In 1931 the members approved the proposals and architects F G Hawtree and J H Taylor combined to reconstruct the course. Their plan was to lay out each hole in its own valley between the sandhills thus avoiding blind shots and they should be commended for producing one of the fairest of the Championship courses.

The club received its Royal patronage in 1951 and was awarded the Open Championship for the first time in 1954. It has hosted nine Opens including 2008, the Society's Centenary year. It has been the venue for an impressive list of major golfing events both professional and amateur, men and ladies, including a memorable Ryder Cup in 1969 when Nicklaus conceded a putt to Jacklin to halve the match on the final green. Royal Birkdale has never been afraid to move with the times and the result is a course renowned throughout the golfing world.

As a founder member, the club has produced two Society Captains, Norman Stewart (1956/57) and John Benstead (1986/87). Sadly, John died in his year of office but left a legacy in the salver that bears his name. Gordon Jeffrey has served as Captain of the R&A.

Royal Birkdale Golf Club Captains

Year Captain Year Captain Year Captain
1890 R G Hayward 1935 A Marland 1980 J N Perrins
1891 W W P Shatwell 1936 T Lord 1981 A Cross
1892 W W P Shatwell 1937 S E Charlton 1982 J H Rigg
1893 W E Buckley 1938 J Whitehead 1983 M R C Weeks
1894 F Sandbach-Baker 1939 R H Hardman 1984 J H Eaves
1895 W Bowker 1940 R H Hardman 1985 T D Andrew
1896 F W H Campbell 1941 F Hooton 1986 A J D Johnson
1897 F W H Campbell 1942 F Hooton 1987 P M G Unsworth
1898 F W Price 1943 F Hooton 1988 A W D Jack
1899 G H Hughes 1944 F Hooton 1989 A N Stephenson
1900 C M Sawyer 1945 F Hooton 1990 P S Fish
1901 G F Pearson 1946 F D B Hill 1991 B M Eckersley Hope
1902 G F Pearson 1947 F D B Hill 1992 D S Johnson
1903 R Jones 1948 J S Smith 1993 Sir C Hewetson
1904 A Yates Baxter 1949 J S Smith 1994 M W Halsall
1905 T Aitken 1950 R S Kirkpatrick 1995 D A Price
1906 H Lycett 1951 H F Simpson 1996 J B Jones
1907 H T Turpin 1952 D N Stewart 1997 R S Bradshaw
1908 J M Dewhurst 1953 D N Stewart 1998 P K M Rostron
1909 F Gittins 1954 S T L Greer 1999 S D Lewis
1910 T O Clinning 1955 W G Clark 2000 J P Simmonds
1911 T O Clinning 1956 B Monkhouse 2001 F A Baker
1912 E C Cooper Brown 1957 B H Park 2002 D M Dunn
1913 T H Bedford 1958 B H Park 2003 R M Cox
1914 T H Bedford 1959 V Richards 2004 W D Hawksworth
1915 T H Winder 1960 S R Pope 2005 J L Henthorn
1916 T H Winder 1961 G I Rushton 2006 J N Rostron
1917 D Goldsworth 1962 G R Unsworth 2007 S A Wilkinson
1918 D Goldsworth 1963 J G Eckersley Hope 2008 A D Watson
1919 C Southern 1964 J G Eckersley Hope 2009 J A Moralee
1920 C Southern 1965 J S Wood 2010 R M Russell
1921 R K Lee 1966 T S Davies 2011 M G G Hadden
1922 R K Lee 1967 W H J Pickavance 2012 S J Ludlow
1923 J K Crook 1968 G B B Jeffrey 2013 J D Seal
1924 J K Crook 1969 R Hill 2014 R M Hunt
1925 C G Glassford 1970 K Duncan 2015 P S Griffiths
1926 C G Glassford 1971 M S Cochrane 2016 T J McGraw
1927 T Charlton Jackson 1972 J G Benstead 2017 M H Burns
1928 T Charlton Jackson 1973 I F D Hill 2018 N P O'Donnell
1929 N S Wood 1974 J R Miller 2019 P S Busby
1930 J A Scholefield 1975 I A T Legge 2020 D V Richards
1931 A A Wilkinson 1976 W I Campion 2021 D V Richards
1932 A Eckersley Hope 1977 D W H Coates 2022 RW Jeffrey
1933 E Redmayne-Jones 1978 R J D Livesey 2023 A J Maxwell
1934 S Eastwood 1979 J G C Longhurst 2024 M P Coulthurst