West Derby Golf Club

The billiard room of New Heys, the Sandfield Park home of Mr Charles Petrie, was the venue on 10 July 1895 for the first meeting of the founding fathers of West Derby Golf Club. The eleven men who attended decided to form a Provisional Committee with Mr T L Davies as Honorary Secretary. The land selected for their 9 hole course belonged to Col. Hollinshead Blundell of Deysbrook Hall and a lease was agreed for 50 acres between Yew Tree Lane and the public footpath on the Deysbrook Hall Estate. Mr H J Chisholm, a founding member, is credited with being the principal architect of the original 9 holes, which were opened for play a year later on 29 July 1896. Mr Petrie, later knighted and a Lord Mayor of Liverpool, was elected Captain for the first two years followed by Mr Chisholm for the next two years.

By 1897 the membership comprised 100 men and 70 ladies and in the following year the Rt. Hon. Frederick Arthur Stanley, 16th Earl of Derby, accepted the invitation to be the club’s first President. The Committee allocated £100 for the building of a wooden pavilion and a shed for bicycles. Albert Haskins volunteered his services as groundsman, professional and coach, promising to do the tasks for no pay as he believed that he could make a living from sales, repairs and golf lessons. He was to serve the Club for 40 years until his retirement in 1936 when he was made an honorary member for life. His successor, Harry Rudd, almost matched this with 38 years of service until he retired in 1974.

On four occasions fires caused damage to the clubhouse, the most serious being shortly after the end of the first World War. Having survived a Government decree in 1917 that the course must be ploughed, the clubhouse was totally destroyed by fire in 1919. The insurance proceeds enabled a new clubhouse to be built but this too was lost to a fire in 1929. Twelve months later a new clubhouse was opened and is still serving the members, albeit having been extended and refurbished over the years. By the time the new clubhouse was opened in 1930 the course had been extended to 18 holes. A series of land deals between 1927 and 1931 enabled the club to purchase additional adjacent land and also secure the future by buying the original 50 acres. Messrs Kirkwood, Medrington & Hassell were the architects appointed to design the new course which was officially opened on 11 April 1931.

West Derby had its share of action during the second World War when a number of barrage balloons and a Royal Artillery gun battery were sited on the course. On the night of 21/22 December 1940 the battery fired 842 rounds against enemy aircraft out of a Brigade total of 11,200 rounds. The post-war period in the fifties was not without its problems when the club was threatened with a compulsory purchase order for a major part of the land. Having survived this threat the club embarked on a visionary tree planting scheme in the sixties with over 4,000 specimens covering 60 species. These have now matured to provide a course that is well defined and a pleasurable test of golf in a parkland setting.

As a founder member of the Society West Derby were well represented at the inaugural meeting in 1908. The Club has provided three Society Captains, Gerald Papworth (1952/53), Tom Wolfenden (1989/90), and the current (2014/15) Society Captain Alan Morris. A trophy to commemorate Tom’s service to the Society is played for by the “over 65s” at the Autumn Meeting.

West Derby Golf Club Captains

Year Captain Year Captain Year Captain
1896 Sir C Petrie 1939 J W Clare 1982 J F Donoghue
1897 Sir C Petrie 1940 J W Clare 1983 A S Waters
1898 H J Chisholm 1941 J W Clare 1984 E M Geoghegan
1899 H J Chisholm 1942 J W Clare 1985 C B Townsend
1900 Dr Ackerley 1943 J W Clare 1986 S M Williams
1901 G Nickson 1944 W G Williamson 1987 R Weinberg
1902 G Bowler 1945 W G Williamson 1988 P A Rawcliffe
1903 R Hall 1946 L A Gow 1989 P B Bedwin
1904 T Henshaw 1947 A Williams 1990 W H Waters
1905 W Grace 1948 T V Platt 1991 A J Winthorpe
1906 V Boyle 1949 A E Mackenzie 1992 H J Perris
1907 H Ferns 1950 R W Rowlands 1993 F E Lucas
1908 Dr Cooke 1951 C A Molyneux 1994 P T Sarsfield
1909 R Fitzgerald 1952 J L White 1995 A F Edmondson
1910 M Brown 1953 G S Robinson 1996 G H Low
1911 T Eaton-Jones 1954 W J Chisnall 1997 I G Walker
1912 W C Manifold 1955 M A Reece 1998 J Kennedy
1913 G Barclay 1956 M A Reece 1999 F P Gerhard
1914 W W Robinson 1957 F M Pollock 2000 L A Rogers
1915 W W Robinson 1958 E C Bolton 2001 A J Morris
1916 T Henshaw 1959 E C Bolton 2002 A Houghton
1917 E J Parker 1960 H McMath 2003 J Lucas
1918 E J Parker 1961 A Phillips 2004 P Bennett
1919 J H Glover 1962 O Gerrard 2005 S B Upham
1920 J H Glover 1963 W C K Owen 2006 M G Jones
1921 W F Hollway 1964 J A Taylor 2007 D E Thompson
1922 R Nixon 1965 J Cruces 2008 G H Wallace
1923 V S Cousins 1966 J E Rogers 2009 B N Reid
1924 R L Burns 1967 R L Bennett 2010 E N Kinsey
1925 W Baines 1968 G E Ewing 2011 R G Chapman
1926 W H Johnson 1969 J Marshall 2012 D F Yates
1927 M Montgomery 1970 G E Crawford 2013 J J Leight
1928 M Montgomery 1971 L R Clare 2014 D H Sanders
1929 M Montgomery 1972 L R Clare 2015 W J Mainwaring
1930 M Montgomery 1973 A Bannister 2016 P S Holland
1931 M Montgomery 1974 E J Horton 2017 G Williams
1932 G O Papworth 1975 W Brewer 2018 J S Whewell
1933 T V Williams 1976 R H Owen 2019 J J Cavanagh
1934 W O Rushton 1977 H C Wilde 2020 J E Nimmo
1935 J Tomkinson 1978 T B Wolfenden 2021 J E Nimmo
1936 W R Irving 1979 I W Richards 2022 D L Duncalf
1937 F Jackson 1980 K Jones 2023 G T McGeorge
1938 H A Lee 1981 J Hale 2024 S Tremarco