Widnes Golf Club

The decision to form a golf club at Widnes was taken at a meeting in the Town Hall on 12 January 1923. However, the members had to wait until 17 May of the following year to see the President, Dr G C Clayton, drive off the first tee to open the 9 hole course. The delay was due to the inability of the land Trustees to conclude a quick transaction, coupled with indecision on the part of the Committee as to whether to buy or rent the land. The deal was concluded when the United Alkali Company, later to become ICI, offered to buy the land and lease it to the club. In contrast, the clubhouse was built and occupied within three months. Lady membership was a feature from the start, laying down the foundations for an active and supportive Ladies Section.

The nearby Woolton Golf Club was influential in the foundation of Widnes as two of the main instigators, John Hardman and Dr Sam McCausland, were both Woolton members and they became the first two Widnes Captains. The professional at Woolton also helped to map out the new course on Lower House Farm and one of his assistants became the first Widnes professional. In 1925 a further 6 holes were built and by 1929 the full complement of 18 holes were in play. An extensive tree planting scheme at that time was not a success due to the unfortunate atmospheric conditions that prevailed. Sadly the greenkeeper’s horse, Dolly, was put down having been deemed unfit for work. Her value was removed from the Balance Sheet at a cost of £14 and when her 8 year old successor was found to be suffering from a cold the Council kindly bought a horse blanket. The club moved into the mechanical age in 1931 with the purchase of a second-hand tractor.

In 1952, having survived the ravages of the Second World War, the club was obliged to accept a loss of land when ICI sold some for housing. The 1960’s brought better fortune for the club, even if this was partly due to the misfortune of another. The closure of the Mersey Golf Club at Fiddlers Ferry when their clubhouse burnt down brought an influx of welcome new members. In 1963 negotiations were completed with Lancashire County Council for the purchase of some extra adjacent land. The new course layout was officially opened with a Pro/Am competition on 11 June 1967 and at the end of that year the Trustees of the club succeeded in completing the purchase from ICI of the freehold for the sum of £5,000. As owners of their own land the club now had the confidence to extend and refurbish the clubhouse over the ensuing years.

In 1998 the members were informed by Council of the possibility of part of the ground on which the club was located being developed for housing and a plan was evolved with a developer to re-house the course on a new purpose-built site to the north of the town. After many years of protracted negotiations it would appear as those plans have not come to fruition.

Widnes joined the Society when their 1969 Captain, Ray Pownall, and five Past-Captains were admitted on 20 March 1970. Their membership had been conditional on the Captains agreeing to wear red tail coats on all formal occasions, which they were happy to do. Norman Rigby was the first from Widnes to serve as Society Captain (1979/80) followed by Peter Hurst (2006/07). Norman also served as President of the Lancashire Golf Union, and Peter has been the Honorary Secretary of the Society since 2009.

Widnes Golf Club Captains

Year Captain Year Captain Year Captain
1924 J Hardman 1964 K Jackson 2004 R C Masters
1925 J Hardman 1965 H Morris 2005 D G Gould
1926 S M McCausland 1966 M F Johnson 2006 D Ormesher
1927 E Hartland 1967 M M Chisell 2007 J Penny
1928 J E Hughes 1968 J N Rigby 2008 V D Jackson
1929 W E Jones 1969 R Pownall 2009 F C Tobin
1930 T Swale 1970 J E Burke 2010 P Morris
1931 J Swale 1971 A Daintith 2011 J B Mawer
1932 W E Ireland 1972 W Whittaker 2012 A K Irving
1933 W Joynson 1973 G M Paddle 2013 J C McNally
1934 R Calland 1974 E G Patterson 2014 J J Price
1935 J H Davies 1975 H Gow 2015 L A Horrocks
1936 R Tomlinson 1976 J A Hogg 2016 M A Wyatt
1937 A D Haws 1977 C Varley 2017 G A Bradshaw
1938 H N Hughes 1978 R Hunt 2018 M C Hughes
1939 W Owens 1979 C L Imison 2019 M Heesom
1940 A Williams 1980 W H Evans 2020 S J Rose
1941 J Holt 1981 S Sunderland 2021 S J Rose
1942 J Holt 1982 D Howard 2022 JG Whorton
1943 J Holt 1983 J S Black 2023 D S Parker
1944 J Holt 1984 R Jones 2024 P H Hurst
1945 J Holt 1985 P J Green    
1946 J Timmins 1986 J Rogers    
1947 F H Hume 1987 T R Adams    
1948 W Stevenson 1988 M Barrow    
1949 E Bailey 1989 P H Hurst    
1950 E G Patterson 1990 F P Roberts    
1951 G L Park 1991 R Williamson    
1952 W H Nickson 1992 M E Tickle    
1953 F N Kitchen 1993 G B Wilson    
1954 H Jackson 1994 J M Phillips    
1955 D B R Whitfield 1995 K A Fletcher    
1956 A Hartles 1996 J E Atherton    
1957 A Radley 1997 M R Jones    
1958 H Kerfoot 1998 C N Kevan    
1959 C Nelson 1999 A F Mansley    
1960 J D Jones 2000 A Jennion    
1961 E Wilson 2001 A Seddon    
1962 N O’B Baker 2002 G J Grace    
1963 P Hurst 2003 J Stonehouse